肺腺癌究竟是什麼癌? 女性和不吸煙的人也要小心?lung adenocarcinoma: an introduction Dr. Rex 醫學幼稚園 8:05 3 days ago 93 448 Далее Скачать
脂肪肝:後果可以很嚴重 all you need to know about fatty liver Dr. Rex 醫學幼稚園 13:20 3 months ago 146 896 Далее Скачать
膽固醇不分好壞 there ain't such thing as bad cholesterol Dr. Rex 醫學幼稚園 8:52 2 weeks ago 117 055 Далее Скачать
你也可以辨別各種關節炎 this is how doctors find out the cause of arthritis Dr. Rex 醫學幼稚園 8:04 2 months ago 52 556 Далее Скачать
🌟 Live Q&A: Forgiving Parents for a New Beginning 🌟 Depth Healing 1:03:03 Streamed 2 days ago 63 Далее Скачать
(中英字幕EngSub)年紀大就一定動作慢?身體虛弱?不要忽視這些病徵,可能是肌少症 the humble sarcopenia can be a killer in the elderly Dr. Rex 醫學幼稚園 11:12 1 year ago 1 183 212 Далее Скачать
魚油丸有用嗎? 做兩種情況之後才適合使用魚油丸?fish oil supplements: is it for you? Dr. Rex 醫學幼稚園 9:21 1 month ago 182 474 Далее Скачать
不想患上胃癌,就一定要知道這一件事! 腸化生會否變成癌症?Gastric intestinal metaplasia: will it become cancer? Dr. Rex 醫學幼稚園 9:19 4 months ago 134 809 Далее Скачать
骨質疏鬆檢查:你也可以看懂報告?osteoporosis: what are T and Z scores and what should I do about it? Dr. Rex 醫學幼稚園 9:01 1 month ago 61 009 Далее Скачать
(中英字幕EngSub) 看完本片完全明白血壓高以及其治療方法 hypertension explained in very simple terms Dr. Rex 醫學幼稚園 10:19 1 year ago 602 507 Далее Скачать
血管鈣化究竟代表什麼?危險嗎? 有什麼一定要注意的事?calcified vessels: what does it mean to your health? Dr. Rex 醫學幼稚園 8:06 4 months ago 84 482 Далее Скачать
這種情況下絕對不要吃他汀藥物 don't take statin if you have this condition Dr. Rex 醫學幼稚園 8:05 3 months ago 96 546 Далее Скачать
肺栓塞: 完全被人忽略了的主要猝死原因!A dangerously overlooked cause of sudden death: pulmonary embolism Dr. Rex 醫學幼稚園 8:52 4 days ago 56 860 Далее Скачать
《失眠自救法2/3》提升睡眠質素,不用藥,Dr.Rex教你如何避開失眠陷阱,安然一覺睡天光Insomnia self help tips 2/3(中/英字幕) Dr. Rex 醫學幼稚園 9:03 4 years ago 657 800 Далее Скачать